Wednesday, July 28, 2010


在一个机缘下, Ms Lin Lin病重的嫂子遇到这份抗癌草药单。吃后开始有了一些的好转, 要我email 她好让她转载他人。Ms Lin Lin的朋友Ms Pauline 则要我放进blogspot,好让更多的人可以下载。感谢她们的慈悲。

在此, 我想借这机会, 向一位我素昧平生的阿大先生(我哥的朋友) 致以万二分的感激, 因为是他的一位末期癌症的Datin'邻居吃好此药, 所以他特地送了我们10 包, 让我一生都感激不尽。我也非常感激这份十三种草药, 帮了我们度过了最危险的2008大关。 四位医生没说错, 因为紫薇斗数也算到了我太太2008的大限。

自服药两周后,我太太的尿呈深褐色数天,是排毒。过后全身出红疹两天,自退。有一夜发烧,自退。第二晚又来,这次烧度高,吓坏我们,又半夜,深怕她得蚊症得送医院,后孩子上网查才知没有此状。不久后她的身体开始会出汗。这之前,我太太的身体就是不会出汗。不管大太阳晒, 别人打气功满身大汗,她出汗一粒我赏一百。多年来也有便秘毛病,但她很爱干净,时常都会解决这问题。因构造问题,便秘是女人的通病。

其后,病危的身体开始有了生机,脸色渐红囵。三个星期后,如龙天护法所预示,她自己下床下楼梯过正常生活, 感恩龙天护法。服用几个月后,我发现太太越长越美丽,额头长满乌黑的头发,脸部已前的一些斑点全不见了,是肝排毒起作用。我想女人要美,先得美内在,只要五藏六俯排毒顺畅,营养均衡,生活作息规律,必然健康美丽动人。

我太太得以往生, 全靠那关键性多活的一年。 感恩阿大先生所带来的十三草药,也是那一年让我把握生命, 与太太紧紧相扣。 我们分享生命, 分享大愿, 也分享了平时错过的点点滴滴。那一年也让我有机会全心全意地回馈太太多年来给予家人无私的照顾与爱。

虽然我一直对她重述,即使倾家荡产也要医好她的病,但是她最后还是选择往生了。生命有其轨迹,自从她服这中药度过了2008大关后,龙天护法先后所给予的提示,无一不显现,让我无比的感激。可是最后的通牒竟是如果过不了22-12-2009 就会乘莲花往生。我心碎了,老天啊,就差那三天竟是我一辈子的事啊。。。每每忆起总要痛哭流泪,一位如此美丽的女人,有美丽的理想,而我却不能扶持她,呵护她,保护她。她的病真的痛入我的生命,老天跟我开的玩笑实在太大太大了。


Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 10:23
Subject: Chinese Herbs For Cancer Patients

Dear Ms Tan,

As requested, I attach the Chinese Herbs for cancers together with a Newspaper cutting witnessing the effect of similar herbs by another cancer patient. As informed, there was this kind soul (my brother's Muar friend) gave me 10 packets of such herbs and told us that his neighbor a Datin' who recovered from such herbs after being written off by doctors when chemo and all other necessary treatments failed. The Datin' has a doctor son and they had spend substantial amount on normal protocol treatment until the breast cancer spreaded to bone. She was bed ridden and went her last straw of hope on such cheap (RM9.90) Chinese herbs. It worked and her Doctor son was convinced after monitoring cancer markers reading. Today she had recovered for more than 10 years and still kicking alive though she continue talking the herbs on monthly precautionary basis.

I was left without any choice at all when 4 doctors predicted my wife would go by Dec 08 (within 3 months after serious metastatic to bone in Oct 08). So I used the Chinese herbs together with all other possible treatments since normal medical treatments couldn't help further. I used the herbs immediately and until I was given the herbs list later that I realized it was the similar herb list given by my previous company's sales exec in 2007 at a time when my wife was just being diagnosed with cancer. At that time I didn't believe in it as it came to me as a "Secret Recipe" meant for cancers from a convicted prisoner in Guangzhou. I regretted I didn't gave it a shot then as the ultimate outcome for my wife could have changed.

Anyway, I am thankful for the effect brought in by the herbs though I had missed it the 1st chance it was given to me. My wife took the herbs at a time when she was so weak that she couldn't even move down the bed and I have to buy her a adjustable hospital bed. 3 weeks later after this herbs she came down herself from bed and could sit down for meals. It was a REAL delights seeing her able to do all these simple movements and I thought I was the happiest man on Earth then. I realized that we can derive happiness from every single simple things and not necessary from big things that are illusioned by big money. Since then, I dare not take life for granted and learn to 感恩 every moment of life. Simply because an ill person can't turn, sit and move around on their own and can we not count our blessings when we are healthy and alive?

The herbs together with Buddhist prayers helped prolong my wife for another quality year (against as predicted for 3 months life with morphine, pain killer etc) without taking any pain killer and morphine. I was greatly indebted to this kind soul who gave us 10 packets FOC to start off with. And more indebted to the Amituofo prayers that gave me 1 extra solid year to dedicate 100% of my time, my life, my care, support and love by her side which we most cherished in life later. And we know we would cherish again as 法侣 when we cross our life again at Pureland. And all these would not have possible if it's without the herbs and prayers as I was real panic to the verge of mental collapsing when doctors sentenced my wife as I wasn't in the least of losing her then. However, I had worked with doctors not to disclose her deadline so as to keep her motivated to fight cancer.

You can recommend this herbs to others as an ALTERNATIVE treatment ONLY besides advising them to see western cancer doctors as the medical doctors are well trained and they have all the experiences for cancer treatments. Use the herbs as a parallel treatment along with normal protocol treatment but go for Cancer Marker report monitoring every 1-3 months. Go to Pathlab for blood screening and insist on 3 major Marker Tests (for ladies, men's different types) for CA 15.3 (breast cancer), CA 125 (Ovarian) and CA 19.9 (Colo-rectal and pancreatic). Initially the Markers reading may shoot up due to "getting better" symptoms after consuming the herbs, but if they don't come down after few blood tests, then the herbs may not be effective to such patient. Patient can then decide to drop the herbs after due consideration if it doesn't prove effective at all as ONE size may not necessary fit ALL.

Everyone, even a normal person can also do such Cancer Marker Tests when go for normal blood tests without seeking doctors for advice and you can get the lab manager to briefly explain the readings as it's better to detect any early symptoms from blood. At times there are also cancer patients being diagnosed cancer after perfect blood screening as the timing when such cancers discharges was sampled was important. My wife used to go for blood test every year but she didn't do any cancer marker tests as we were ignorant then. A normal blood test without Cancer Marker Test reflects only our organ screening without shading much lights on cancer detection. So it's worth to include the Cancer Marker Test as it's cheap when bundled with normal blood test especially for women around 40 as cancer starts early nowadays with our present lifestyle. EMOTION is of paramount importance and it's VERY VERY hard on women today as most of them have to shoulder a heavy responsibility shattering between career, family and petty house chores leaving little time for the body to rejuvenate and recreate. This leave lots of toxics behind within body followed by cancer to surface many years later as cancer is a chronic disease.

Being a wise women, knowing that the tough predicament a women is in today and to survive healthily, one has to learn how to get rid of bad/negative emotions so created from our present highly pressurized lifestyle so as to avoid toxic accumulation . As experts say, you cook your favorable dish, likewise your bad emotions unreleased will "cook" all modern diseases, you name it. 病是养出来的。So exercise to release bad emotions and tension if a POSITIVE with a Happy Lucky mindset can't help. And it's worth not to simply get angry and learn to let go petty negative emotions as they are very harmful to our health. Learn to accumulate happiness every moment and not toxic as it's pointless to take clean organic food to avoid external poisons while our mind keep creating multi-fold internal poisons for our body through our thoughts. Learning how to step back helps. 退一步,海阔天空,身体健康。

Lastly, I guess having an organic heart - a heart that full of love, peace and passion for humanity is more important than mere organic food. By just focusing on mouth (hardware) eating organic food may not be good enough if the heart (software) is not well taken care of simply because our body is the BEST producer of Medicine and Poison at the same time, depending on how we carry ourselves with our EMOTIONS.

Hope this could be of any help to you and all women at large. 感恩。

Note: the 1st 3 herbs are important for cancers and please make sure they are all present in the herbs: 1.半枝莲 (不是半支莲) 2.白花蛇舌草 3.金线莲